Re: What have you gotten on the 'Wheel of Excitement'? Why is this topic here ? If people wanted to know how often you get what, it's way smarter to make it a poll... So why is this topic here ? Edit : Same goes for the lab topic..
Re: What have you gotten on the 'Wheel of Excitement'? I have gotten the 10k thing, like, 3 times. I normally get the ? one, though.
Re: What have you gotten on the 'Wheel of Excitement'? You only win 52 Neopoints... oh well, better luck next time! mm[...]
Re: What have you gotten on the 'Wheel of Excitement'? 100 np... i hate that wheel its not exciting at all but i go to it anyway
Re: What have you gotten on the 'Wheel of Excitement'? ... I don't know... This TPC already existed when I arrived here...
Re: What have you gotten on the 'Wheel of Excitement'? The Lava Ghoul flies down from a nearby cloud and breathes FIRE over your pets!! damn...
Re: What have you gotten on the 'Wheel of Excitement'? i got 500 np i dont get more than 500 np. I still need that avatar
Re: What have you gotten on the 'Wheel of Excitement'? Something has happened, but i don't know what. Lame, what is it anyways?