I think avatars are considered a prize since i collect them :yup: also, i get random battle supplies from the wheel of fortune which is pretty cool <3
my best dailies prize was a strawberry p/b from the fruit machine oh ya, and a tyrannian p/b from the wheel of monotony!
my best have been a glowing pb and a checkered pb bother from the fruit machine, not on the same spin mind you that would have been awesome haha
I remember getting a golden book and sold it for 5ok, i had no idea that it was wurth that much. 2nd post oh yea what does it mean if you get the secret sign on the wheel of excitement? Don't double post. If you have something to add, just use the edit button!
pwahaha. i've gotten a tyrannian paintbrush from the wheel of monotony. i sold it for around 200k. this was 2 years ago.
Never get anything good except for a large number of books. Got a nice 30k book before from knowledge which was good though!
Probably avatars xD. I only need Excitement and Knowledge wheel avatars now. And maybe Sneezles from Misfortune, which meant I could challenge Meuka. Does that count?