A lottery Ticket from the Wheel of Monotony. You guys/gals do know that there is a way to see your prize without waiting right . Google it if you don't.
Knowledge hasn't been working for me lately. Freezes up at 8 of 16 images loaded. Anyone else having this problem?
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As sublime told already you can see your prize in wheel of monotony after you start spinning it. http://www.neopets.com/~AmaterasuChan You can also see the remaining time of rotation of the wheel.
From the Tombola my best win was a Starry Paint Brush (back when it was worth a lot more than it is now) 45K plus a few faeries or something, and a 2nd place trophy, which was the cherry on the win :funky: 10K on the Wheel of Excitement, 20K on the Buried Treasure (but no avatar!)
How high does your pet need to be for the Test to give anything worth a damn? I usually get a score of... 9.