I personally never got a h4000 helmet, but a few years ago, i heard you can get it from wheel of excitment, is it true?
Hey today I just got 15000np a radioactive muffin and a split paintbrush at the fruit machine plus making me win the second place trophy
Well the best thing i got was a morphing potion but it was one given out by tarla so it wasn't worth a whole lot but it was better than winning just 20nps lol
i got a rainbow pb from the fruit machine. then on wheel of excitement i got a green uni potion xD i was pumped, for like half a second.
I got the "Secret Item". It wasn't really a secret item, it said something had happen to my pet and when I checked its stats it went to GREAT (29) I don't know what it was before I got it though.
ive gotten pb's from the fruit wheel a few times. other than that probably my pets changing into faerie/faerie/asparagus/robot from the lab ray
I never got anything good lol...I think I got a pb once though that was worth 200k...somewhere around there.
My best WoE prize was a morphing potion. It was only worth like 150k but still thats more than 10k and an avatar.
the only thing i ever win from the WoE is the questionmark that gives me 26 neopoints or something worthless. hooray
Last time they use to give out dbd's but now the best item seems to be the 10k... Best by far is 10k for me
I was doing my rounds one day, and won a blue paint brush, a muffin, and 15k of NP on theee... fruit machine I think xD I remember the prize well, just not where I got it from.