What's going on in 2012?

Discussion in 'World of SPAM' started by Commy, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Man, I've gotta say that this year has been pretty...momentous?

    European Sovereign Crisis has been playing havoc with my job (I work in a bank), so there's a lot of 'restructuring' and 'right sizing' and all that jargon.
    My boss decided to quit, so I got merged with another team. My new team is pretty awesome. In terms of jobs, factors such as job satisfaction, money, work flexibility and all that make a difference, but what's gets me out of bed is the team. In a team of 15 people, none of them are nasty! I have yet to see any politics. Blame it on being a newb to the team (about 2 months now), but I'm liking what I'm seeing.

    And now for the not so good side. My dad was involved in a car accident. He was having lunch with my grandpa, and driving my grandpa back to his house, had a seizure and a black out. He woke up to this man telling him that everything would be all right. Then some police came, and took an alcohol blood reading (normal procedure, obviously have to rule out intoxication). He got taken to the local hospital, and they did a few tests.

    Turns out he has a tumour in his brain, which was the cause of the seizure. You don't quite realize how little time you're spending with your dad, until something like this happens.
    As tumours go, it turned out to be a minor one. It was less than 1cm in length, and there was only one of them. The rest of his body was cleared, apart from a few bumps and scrapes from the crash.

    He had the tumour removed a few days after. It turned out to be malignant, but treatable. He's had his first round of chemo, and is back home now. I think he'll be all right in the end, it's just the journey that's tough.

    and for the double whammy, a few days later I found out my high school friend has cancer. He was having major chest pains, and it turned out a mass was pushing his lungs out of place. What a shocker! The cancer was testicular cancer, which was an odd place to have it. Some remnant cells from development remained in his chest, and turned malignant. So he pushed his wedding a year forward, and is also home after his first round of treatment.

    On the plus side, their hospitals are right next to each other. So it makes it easy to visit.

    So 2012 has been pretty momentous! I'm looking forward to a quieter rest of the year....if possible.
  2. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Holy wow, that's scary with your dad o: It's weird because something similar happened to a close friend of mine's dad. He is this REALLY athletic guy, and one day he was out running and just passed out. It wasn't cancer though, it was a thrombus. But he is doing very well today, just something on his left eye. So you know doctors can make little miracles these days :) Hope he is doing better! And your friend too ofc ):
  3. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Well thats not good to hear. My minor issues seem somewhat less important now....

    All the best for your family!

    I've dealt with my mum having bowl cancer (few years ago now), and now my niece has a brain tumor.(current) It's tough on the family... Very stressful. I understand how you feel.
  4. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Thanks Freja and Junior. Definitely more common than I had thought.

    Junior, all the best with your niece. It shouldn't happen at that age.
  5. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Wow! Commy, I'm so sorry and so glad that your Dad is okay- you and your family are in my thoughts. Best wishes to your friend, I hope he'll be alright. If you ever need anyone to talk to you know how to reach me and you know I'm here 24/7.
  6. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Haha, thanks.

    Let's hope he keeps up doing well over the next few rounds of chemo. Apparently the first one is much milder.