when you open up meerca chase II click on hard mode and then type in "superextraypergravitymode" and fish neggs are worth 900 points =)
with meerca i normally do freestyle on hard mode, the gravity one always gives me trouble haha, theres another code to have the red neggs chase you
good luck my highest score using superextrahypergravitymode is 2,916 they should make a meerca chase II program
What about Shenkuu River Rush? It isnt as money-earning as other games but its kinda fun to play. Same with The Last Blast.
I love the Igloo Garage Sale game. And I'm a huge NeoQuest geek at the moment. Does that count? I know it's not a flash game which seems to be what you're all talking about, but I'd say that's my favourite game over all. I'm playing both NQI and NQII on Evil at the same time at the moment o_0
I'm pretty bad at most of the games, but Meerca Chase (and now Meerca Chase II) has always been my favourite =)
I really like gourmet club bowls, turmac roll, and ultimate bullseye. I don't get many NP from them, I just find it enjoyable.