My bests friend's name is Brandon Wear, and we always said if he was a rapper he could be Bwear...I dunno whyyy I put my best friend's rapper name, but whatev. lol.
Bwear, that's hilarious. I just chose mine because I can type it entirely with my left hand while my right hand is clicking the login button.
I was obessed with rye bread and that's how I came up with 12345678900rye! (Now frozen) But now my new account has a Foo Fighters team
I needed a username so I made one up by sounding out words and came out with Declaivo. I thought that it sounded cool. So yeah...
Mine's my name o.o; If I'd tried to use my Neopets username it would no doubtedly be taken =/
Usually my username is Chrozer, short for Chronium Zero. I just made it up and now mine is P4nd3m0n1um. It just a cool username.