There really shouldn't be any stereotyping in this matter. If a person like the other, whether or not he or she makes the first move by confessing their true feelings, it would have already been pretty obvious in their actions towards the other before that already. Furthermore, I doubt anyone would want to make a first move and only be accepted because their feelings were made known instead of accepted because the other party loves them too.
I don't care how old school it is. Guys now and days are wimps and girls shouldn't let them get away with it. Girls MAKE THEM make the first move lol.
It does seem more gentleman like for the boy to make the first move but I don't think it should matter that much.
I think they guy should make the first move. :yup: When I was younger, I would have never been caught dead making the first move. Nowadays I have made the first move a couple of times. I'm not so shy anymore lol, but I do prefer a guy to make the first move.
It would be more Romantic if the guy did it but now a-days girls need to grab the bull by the horns and go for it.
The guy definitely. If he isn't interested in me, then I'm not interested in him. I'm not going to waste my time trying to get a guy to like me by making the first move.
Whoever feels like making the first move... if the male is a little more shy, then the female will probably make the first move which is perfectly normal.
There isn't really such a thing as "the first move", unless someone is being insanely forward. (Hey you, wanna f---?) Normally, both people indicate attraction/interest to eachother prior to any overt gestures being made.
The girl just needs to give the right signals. If she seems closed off, most guys won't approach. If the guy is interested and still doesn't approach, well, you know the rest.
I'm pretty oldfashioned, as are most people I consider my closest friends, so the guy should make the first move
Women think its even more attractive if the guy makes the first move, makes him seem more confident, coming from a guy who's been in a steady relationship for 2 years next month