My dream pet used to be a pirate shoyru...then tnt blessed me with a FFQ, and my shoyru turned into a pirate! But then they froze my account for something i didnt even do on the account and they took my pet away with it... :evil:
Yeah I know how that feels, I've been there. That's why you're here isn't it :twisted: haha. Payback is nice
I love maraquan krawks but not quite my top 3. Definitely top 5 though. I also like almost all of the darigan colors, I just happen to like the draik the most hehe.
well if i couls create my own dream pet id have a faerie as a pet & pain her with an Ice Brush & name her Shiva Ice Goddess! 8) id also get a uni & make it look somethin like ixion & get a dragon to look like bahamut!