I don't have any long term goals in Neo. But right now, I'm aiming to complete NQII on Evil and Insane. I just finished Normal yesterday after weeks of playing (yeah, I'm very slow ) I'd like to get a good BD set and pet too, someday, but right now I'm just not aiming for that yet.
Haha I wish you had posted this earlier. I got a Water Draik MP from the attic the other day, I could have helped you out
Well, currently my goals include: - 100 Kadoatie Feeds - 275 Avatars - 64 Gold Trophies - 250 Games Played - Faerie Draik - Msp Poogle - Grey Krawk - UC Baby Kougra - Rebuild to my 500M :3
I've already met the goals I set out for in the first post of this thread, so I'm going to revise them... -BD Set: Ghostkerword, Sword of White Lies, LEV, Sleep Ray, Ghostkerbomb, and some defensive items -Train: 750 strength, 750 def, 1000hp -Pets: MSP Poogle, Pirate Krawk, Robot Jetsam, Pea Chia -300,000,000 in the bank for 100k interest/day
My goals on neo would be to paint my draik water , Possibly get anouther draik, get a maraquan tonu , water kacheek , train my maraquan korbat & Maracite luatari to be very strong bd pets, and other than that just be a very rich neopian