Separate names with a comma.
There's an editorial on the subject. I'll see if I can locate it. ... &issue=272 It's a little more than...
I've never watched this show in my life, but I can quote you all the best scenes due to youtube videos. I keep thinking that I should watch it, but...
Like, every single one of those one liners was accompanied by a glasses touch. I can't stand him and his existance!!! But, think about it: that does...
I don't have one. And this will be, like, my 200-and-something-th avvie on a 52 month old account. I'd really rather not get frozen. :) Besides,...
It's really hard even with the mini. I'm currently trying for the av on my current account...russssstyyyyyyyy... I can't do it when I'm relaxed,...
I like Lake Pontchartrain and I could seriously base my whole opinion on the album on that song. I mean, I don't, but I could... I think that there...
ZOMGZ. Zer0, your almost-UD article says that you are 1337, and that makes you the closest thing that I have to royalty at the current moment. Want...
I loved Fresh Prince. I liked "I, Robot" and "I Am Legend," but that's because I loved the books, and was so happy that the movies weren't completely...
Some guy tried to drag me into his car. I think that I broke his nose. Use reasonable force and only use it when necessary, no matter who the...
*teary eyes* Vinny? *lip wobbles* I dislike people like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton who can't act but get parts in movies because they have money...
Yeah, I meant that you had to believe in something to progress. Without belief, you would have nothing. Oh, no. I think that I learned something from...
This is going to sound sort of harsh, and I swear that I don't really mean it as such. You have to believe in something. Your head would asplode if...
He is kind of pretty. I googled him afterwards so that I could see him in a not-creepy context. I love the Saw movies, and Hostel, too. I'm just a...
I liked it, but you have to be actually willing to think to watch it. Like, it's not a good zone-out-and-eat-popcorn type flick. It's more of an...
Everyone knows the real reason that men leave the toilet seat up. It is only well-cultured men who do so: they put the seat up so that women are safe...
*flabberghasted* You want Sundin? I don't understand... *runs around in circles, confused*
They can keep him. He's no good anyway. Now that he's gone, I can go back to my love/hate relationship with the Leafs, instead of just hating them...
I like him, actually. But that doesn't necessarily mean that he's any good. Flobots or Jedi Mind Tricks, I think, would be the best that rap has to...
Scandal! You should be ashamed of yourself. haha. I like the movies, but only because I haven't seen them in quite a while, so I've forgotten how...
#1. Study in groups with people who are more experienced studiers than you. It really does help, and then it's easier to benefit from #2. #2. Take...