Separate names with a comma.
Awsome! Good job :D Ill use this in my next prog.. :D
Ionno.. it didnt get realeased into stores.. Lol.
Zomg stole eggys code and used it as his own. Lol.
Full Version of VB6 Visual Basic 6 TO INSTALL: Double click setup.exe Now just follow the prompts. serial code is all 111111111111's Your...
But how would you make it so it logs the stuff you get? Ive tried and it doesnt work o.0 E.g. You pull out a ticket and get a Booby Prize!...
How do you get packets from a thing.. Like I want to get it so I can play tombola in vb6.. o.o how I do that? I tried to make it so it goes to...
txtuser and txtpass works for me..
I made some posts in the Code Snippets forum.. Look there. PM me if you need any help :)
wtf y u hatin da chet spek. i kno itz rly annying bu u gys haf 2 del wif it!!!!1111one11!eleven11! Its the stupidest piece of crapon Earth.
Ill give you some of the code to make a easy login... You will code the rest! Ok. first thing to do is add the http wrapper, and moduels into the...
Amen.. LMAO Also play runescape..
Yeah.. It always has.. xD I use this for logout.. w.Getwrapper "http://www. neopets .com/logout.phtml", "http://www. neopets .com"...
Gopets.. Toontown.. :lol: :lol:
No... Members get GP hella easy... I fish lobbys, cook em, sell em in bulk.. easy money.
What moduels are you using to do this? Sleep, Stuff, and an HTTP wrapper, anything else?
I estimate 40 - 50 points..
Wow, Great! I just did this in pharm, food, and choco, and got 2 med soaps in pharm.. :)
In shops? Mhmh.. orly? :P Because, I ran an AB and there we r.99 on my 3 mo. acc and it didnt even pick any trace of em.
account 3 month old can see r.99 account 4 month old can see r.100 3 mo. cant see r.99, only r.95 and down I believe.. o.o 4 mo. can see...
I got 1156 w/o tree.. just now lol