Separate names with a comma.
I understand... Expon I think he means this: [img] The little Sucsessful Buys: ect.. :)
gratz. Uhm the shop has too many avvy grabbers atm.. lol.. and I also made a guide on how to make one :P PM him..?
I am teaching people how to make a basic avatar and Battle dome grabber.. :D Add me on aim, or msn. Msn = Aim =...
It is easy actually.. I learnt how to make a BD / Avvy grabber in a day. :)
So.. How can we make a list box, say, "Has logged into account *******" Like some other programs do? I am making a Battle dome, and avatar...
I got zune I like it.. :lol: Got radio, nice user interface also.
great guide.. +repping :)
Thank you oddworth.
Ok, Can you give me a link to DL it..? :) It would help alot. :D
It is Visual Basic 2005. Is there a more updated version? :P
Want to teach me vb6.. I have Visual Basic. That is vb or vb6? :O
I have a 30 day trial for VB :P
:D Im currently learning VB, If anyone can point me in a good direction on programs to start it would pwn. :D
I have. Check my post lmao.
lol... They dont usually add new bd items :O
I shall be compiling more lists. ;) Ill post more once I make it :D EDIT: Here are some more items.. ALW = Ancient Lupe Wand BOK =...
Ill add some for you chilly AFK=Away from keyboard BBL=Be back later TTYL= Talk to you later G2G= Got to go GD= Good day IDK= I dont know...
Hey odd, can I see yours? :D PM me it if you want ;P
:cry: I was just about to finish mine.
That can happen, you get seizers from it too. These arent far fetched stories and can happend last time I checked.