Separate names with a comma.
Take online HS and do it whenever you want :D
Most emo kids don't cut, and the ones that do show if off, which takes away all scene points, so they're not really emo, they just want attention,...
lol Cupid, do you mean Miguel Cabrera on the Marlins? Mine is probably Betancourt on the Mariners...He's so good at shortstop, he's got great...
I'm a size 0 lol
I have the perfect body.
Summertime Blues, we totally agree on this.
Nooo, it's not. Emo is nothing but a genre of music, it would be like me calling somebody who likes money and girls "rap". Emo is nothing but a...
No, people just assume that they're like that. Very few are depressed... The kids everyone calls emo are the most cheerful and happy kids in the...
Noo. Emo is a type of music, that's sort of calm and the music is usually about sad things, ect. Emo has evolved into what "scene" means, now....
Re: hey I'm a pirate. A pirate is somebody who steals. I pirate music, programs, and movies.
You should enter in some common accs... Such as idk, lol, brb, ect...
If they did that, the people could probably get a decent lawsuit out of it, and they could get a different ballet instructor. If somebody kept...
I bet you know what deck I have... tensor, ricta, bones super swiss, and shoés are just a given.
Starving yourself will just make you fatter in the long run. Once you go back to eating, your body will think youre going to do it again and store up...
Be honest: If the same piece of clothing was advertised on someone fat, you would automatically thing it looked bad. The media can't be blamed, if...
Basically it would be a program with a blank for user, name, age, and date it was that age, and it generates all 365 possibilities, and every day you...
They're Acronyms.
It's better when they quit, but you wont win with dlevelers, sorry to tell you, they commit suicide and evry time you kill someone its useless.
haha I'm only a 20 in snipes, but I'm pretty good for a teams always quit or are d leveling or just suck :(
Use one and go to and see if it's different.