Separate names with a comma.
Same here except the opposite statement. I don't know how so many don't believe in Him.
Physics G=MC^2 (G = God, M = Me, C = Christian, ^2 = Looks better)
300 Points? Anyways, back to the guide. I could get some use out of this if my main gets iced. I'll need some starting money before ABing again....
Eww Doesn't he do that like almost every episode? :?
Yeah, Go NQII I remember using one. It was awesome. Only took a day to beat NQII. I also got a spiffy trophy. :D I would love it someone made one...
Go Me? He hates the corrupt owners, not the website. I remember that old trick. I think I used AngelFire as the different website. All you had...
Few More I've always been a Sony fan. I've never even owned an Xbox so I voted Ps3.
Holy We're just having a debate like the topic wanted. No need to take things so offensively alone1.
HP? When I started reading them I was hooked. I finished them as fast as possible. Then again, that was like 3 years ago. I guess my tastes have...
Drama! True. I guess I'll just click a tad slower to keep any suspicion away. It would suck ABing for months and getting frozen over a crossword...
Post 200! I used to have one just like it. I think the maker was IceyDefeat or something. It was extremely fast but still had a bad freeze rate.
Rawr! Would TNT find it suspicious for you to finish in 10 seconds? Or is it impossible for them to know? I'll be damned if I'm going to get iced...
Tired I'll be honest. I don't agree with alot of things you've said in this thread. Though that's the beauty of free will. I'm not going to pass...
Easy I'll do what I always do. Have a conflict in my head about my different PoVs. By the time it's over, the person will have done what they...
Bleach my Hair! If you mean 'Great Teacher Onizuka' then nope. I don't remember what's on my list. I'll have to check later on. Lately, I've been...
Wow... It doesn't matter. Marriage has had alot of religious influence. Just because the church no longer deals with marriage, doesn't mean people...
Miss Law? >_> Wrong section as this is not a guide. Try posting it in 'Other' next time.
O Rly? That's true. I just grabbed a Tasu from the Igloo after reading this post. :D Easy 20k profit already. That beats the MT in 1 go too....
Cry for TNT Pretty well-written. I can't think of anything else to add. :D
Hm... Like alone1 said, you get restock banned from there extremely quick. It'd be almost impossible to actually snipe something from there.