Separate names with a comma.
Hang Him! Slipknot was never a favorite of mine. Their music just never clicked with me.
Money No Risk I keep my passwords to everything in a notepad document. Well, except for things like eBay & Paypal. I get too many viruses and...
Sly I need to restock legitly for screenshots. If you constantly sell items worth alot of money, you need screenies to help your case. :D
Cheating = Dangerous I suggest that you not do it either. It has a very high freeze rate. Only use them on accounts you don't care about.
Laziness Isn't it easy enough already? It takes 10 seconds to log in, 3 seconds to load the list, 2 seconds to untick the "not exact" box and 1...
Games! Most programs just help you play. You still need to finish the game and send the score.
Poor Guys It's more embarassing than anything.
Here Boy! Now we just need a programmer to come by and see if it's possible. -waits patiently-
Games are Icy I remember using ArtMoney on Meerca Chase months ago. It only took them 1 hour to ice the account. Though people will beg you for...
Mystery What? Maybe it gives an avatar or trophy? I'm not that sure and I've never even tried. I'm too color blind for that. :D
TNT Loses Thank the Lord! I have an old list somewhere that has the seconds for most of the shops. I'll post it if I can find it.
USAB FTW! It depends on how long you leave it on. Other than that, they're pretty safe.
Maybe... Wouldn't that be a huge pain? I'm no programmer but it seems like that would be either hard or impossible.
TNT Again! I've seen a few sites shut down myself. TNT was threatening legal action.
Ugh... TNT I remember using a program with like 20 games on it. I tested it out on an old account. It was iced a few days later. It seems TNT can...
Yay for Newbies USABs are great when hunting down items like faeries and codestones. So many newbies get their hands on them and just randomly price...
Nasty I stick with comedy and cartoons. I just see no point in horror movies at all.
Poor Family That's actually kind of funny. I can see a child and his or her mother arguing about who gets the MP that was just ABed.
Loud Screaming <3 System :D Possibly my favorite band. Kind of tied with Disturbed.
Really Now? I could actually get some use out of that. I hate spending like an hour trying to come up with a name that's not taken.