Separate names with a comma.
yes all my programs were updated from v3.1 to v3.2 today, so you need to redownload for the latest version to auth again.. :)
Did you exceed the limit of earning 40 cash points in a day? If not.. could you tell me which forum(s) you post in don't increase your cash.. so I...
If you have a question on a program, please do not post it in this help forum. You should post any questions, comments, suggestions or problems on...
as chilly said - you should ask any questions on programs in the discussion area for the program.. ie here: downloads.php?d=4 your problem is that...
you should ask any question on a program on the program page itself. If you go to the program in the download section, you can click the 'postreply'...
I made it so level 3's can download the programs without paying any points- however the program won't get added to their purchased list, which is...
as skip said, it's probably because you were browsing neopets on the same account on your browser. if you want to ask anymore questions about...
providing you have a windows os you will be able to use all the programs. if you want to ask a question on any program in the downloads section,...
the limit was set to 30 cash points a day, but it's meant to be 40, I've just increased it :)
it depends on how the wrapper was coded. There might be a boolean you need to set to true to enable it.. or it might be all automatic. can you post...
With BBCode enabled.. that description looks like this: ---- This program can be used to automatically 'snipe' neopets auctions in their last...
Hi :) I am hoping that people will write nice detailed descriptions for their programs (similar to how I have done with mine). I realised that a lot...
This wrapper was made by Mystical (who is currently inactive). Add a new class in your VB.NET program. Call it tcpwrapper.vb and paste this code (in...
You can use this code in your VB.NET programs to add authorization. All you need to do is change szProgramName to the name of your...
By registering an account and/or using this site, you agree to follow the rules set forth by the Administrators and Staff of Please,...
there should be a button to expand it and view all the html code? I think that's only the start of it...
going to see it right now :) hoping it's not fully booked though :s
add a breakpoint on this line ElseIf InStr(1, strHTML, "") Then and hover your mouse over strHTML and see what...
50-80ms? 1000ms (1s) is probably the fastest you could get on the best connection.