Separate names with a comma.
this isn't possible unless you'd have multiple accounts checking every minute or so.. and you'd need far too many accounts and would get iced pretty...
use a regex to extract the name of the prize/item.. not sure how that works in vb6 but google 'regex vb6'
mmh.. do you mean you want to get the packets so that you can see what referer/url/post data you need to use in your program? If so you need to...
mmh you could just download the perl refresher and replace the URL.. shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to do it -,- it's the main reason I made...
i feel no effects. however my browser does log out from time to time when i'm running a program.
yeah I'm aware of their code but none-the-less it doesn't seem to effect the .net programs I have written for some reason.
I have never been logged out while running one of my programs in .NET although I'm sure it could happen.
if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Some things to notice, after clicking the first button, 1. try dragging the form around, notice how the program goes white (The gui stops...
Simply add two buttons and two ListBoxes to your form then add this code <div class="vbnet" id="{CB}" style="font-family: monospace;"><ol><li...
what is the error?
This is the source to a Neopets Pet Adopter. 'Neopets Adopter coded by Robawtic 'vb.Net 2005 'Thursday, April 07, 2007 'Published to...
This is only coded to grab neopoints. 'Money Tree Grabber by Robawtic 'vb.Net 2005 'Thursday, April 05, 2007 'Published to...
search for a packet sniffer download on google, download one and turn it on while you use the shop wizard yourself.. look at the packets it captures...
yeah lol.. well that's just a label so lblBuySuccess.text += 1 (or .caption in vb6) but if you don't know how to do that then I don't see how you...
Are we actually supposed to understand that? :?
yes, you can use multithreading
Penguins, all the way baby!!! - I hope so! I have always been a penguins fan and loved Mario Lemieux!
this should do you just fine I think Private Function RandNum(LowNum As Long, HighNum As Long) As Long RandNum = Int((HighNum - LowNum +...