Separate names with a comma.
I personally believe they just train them to act like that on cue from someone off camera. Dogs are very good actors (in their own right).
10. Zuma 9. Sims 1 8. Sims 2 7. Sims 3 6. Neopets 5. Facebook apps 4. Diablo 1 3. Diablo 2 2. GTA4 *drum roll* and the number one answer is : 1....
there are 20 states that consider cheerleading a sport by the definition of sports. The rest are sure to follow. You are a dying breed Erik :P lol
well grind to level 20 and get you a horse :) then all the horse riding can bore you :P lol
No problem :) that is what we are here for :)
To make a more clear perspective; there is a saying. When you can honestly sit there and say, "I am perfectly sane, nothing is wrong with me." or...
Yah, guildmates and I are not happy but as with all things good that want to survive , they have to evolve and evolving takes making changes and...
I agree about graphics but they are changing that up after the summer and fixing their graphics quality (which while not as good as Aions is really...
definitely wow .. and yes i am very biased :D lol .. been playing 3 years but also .. wow has a new expansion coming out at the end of summer so alot...
my apologies. I should have finished the sentence ... it should have ended .. the fact that he wasn't sane .. not the fact that he wasnt crazy lol .....
I believe that he convinced himself he was sane and in doing so solidified the fact that he wasn't.
I also agree. Horrible parents. But good dog. .. i had to post a counter to that horrible story bout that poor baby :(
Gymnastics is a sport .. in the Olympics even. They get points deducted if they do something wrong , not a broken rule. So your defense holds no...
I consider it a sport. This was discussed a little between me and Eric in his Guru thread in the sports area. I decided it would possibly make for a...
counter argument :) there is no empirical evidence that there are no deities. Who are we to assume that what happens naturally isn't the intention...
Society dictates what they want to see by what they click on. Home pages show most popular links for that moment at the top. Almost always terrible...
Umm that is not me with two level 1 awards :)
I have a silly question. What does VVWN mean?
Ummm , at the risk of being flogged to death by the multitudes ... change your names ? *runs for cover* ... *meep*
Re: When's the next contest comingg? Lol. I was just discussing this yesterday. I plan on doing a contest. Just working up an idea to make it worth...