Separate names with a comma.
Re: My Black Ops Opinions I'm sure sure all of those 10 year olds will judge people based on their level of prestige, too.
Re: My Black Ops Opinions I don't like the idea of having to play months just to unlock stuff. I'm a casual gamer.
Their prices are cheap too. Yet, everyone hates them.
I can't see why anyone would play Maplestory without the use of a bot/hack.
That would be so little though. A referral system is suppose to reward people for making the website popular. If he can invite enough people to be...
Making up for 69 days of lack of movement.
Re: My Black Ops Opinions Theres only one edition for PC. What does this mean?
Re: My Black Ops Opinions Whats so good about the hardened edition?
Re: My Black Ops Opinions Nice. I had to pay $50.
Re: My Black Ops Opinions How the hell did you get it for $35?
Top 50 itunes singles? I'm pretty sure that includes Justin Beiber.
Might wanna change it up a bit before using it though as multiple people will be using this same list.
What? In its current prohibited state, marijuana produces steady income for workers? Explain. You mean to say that giving steady income to drug...
I always knifed my teammates in hardcore out of sheer reflex.
One of the miners went on a talk show. I think it was Letterman's.
There needs to be a debate over this? Would you rather be given money or be beaten with a bat?
Oh. They're taking out quickscoping in Black Ops though. :(
I prefer Grooveshark. They let you listen to the songs that you want.
I think a better system would be one in which the referrer got 1 cash for each time his referral earned 2 cash. This way, people wouldn't just refer...
There was this quickscoping montage where the guy wasn't actually quickscoping. He was just zoomed in with his sniper rifle for the whole duration...