Separate names with a comma.
sigh I lost interest after the 3rd one. BUTTTT this one does look very nice thanks for the post!
FF9 (: Just beat it on the emulator! My accomplishments were that I was able to even beat the game!
Gay couple should be able to have kids. I don't think having to parents of the same sex should influence the child much in their own sexuality. The...
RRRJ SOO lucky! How long would you say they were filming there for?
Muahah Pokemon Rule! I still play my red version, and silver version when I have nothing else to do (: Old pokemon rule though :
As long as people aren't abusing the system I think is fine. But if its the other way around where they don't seem to make a effort to further...
I will have to say that the journalists should remain detached from what they are covering. But I'll have to say though if the choice they make is...
I totally think abortion is fine. It just seems that all the negatives come from the religious side. People can argue that the fetus is a alive/not...
In America it may seem that all people should be equal but outside of the non english speaking countries it really isnt uncommon for these things to...
I for one am split upon this. Am I correct when I say that there really hasnt been that much evidence in terms of the negatives of these foods? I
Yea Guys please watch this (: I'm a guy and I loved it!...not at first when she sorta dragged me by my hair but <3
Ps3-7games PC-4 lol I'm not sure if you can emulators but thats in the 100's (:
This would be a great idea! It looks like the previous posters have a nice gameplan (:
I just hope more people dont get hurt...I'm suppose to visit my step siblings back in Seoul ;/
Sigh, The last episode was pretty solid. But overall the whole season was not that great... I think they tried to hard to develop individual...
YES! Now this show had me hooked from the beginning. The suspense was just great. Almost every ending is left the viewer wanting more (: I would...
<3 ...I've been following this show from the beginning and have watched every episode. Do any of the users here also like this show? If so why?...
why not legalize it? No studies have shown any ill effects of the drug that can't be reversed. The only problem people have with marijuana is that...
Gays in the army should be allowed. Are they not citizens of their country? DO they not want to serve this country for the greater good? It really...