Separate names with a comma.
I havn't seen it yet, but it looks pretty funnt to me... "You can't be black, there's a height requirment" XD
My friend's offering me a lvl 70 lock for £20 :O ($40,duh) 3 epics on it, rest are blues... Thing is, I already gots a lock, think I should buy...
I explained this to you on the other board o_o don't spam >.< Unless you manage to get some super reward from expon, it's logical that you wil...
hmm well tbh both extremes are pretty bad... I would choose to be super-fat, because at least then I could work it off. People who are super-anerexic...
pshh, like I said earlier, lvl 69-70 is like 1million xp. Lvl 70-80 would probably be comething like 100million xp. i really doubt there will be a...
Can you tell me then please, what is the point of the game? xD What are you supposed to achieve?
Hmm.. I can't find anything on google... could you PM me a link please? edit.. Argsorry, just found the link =S And for all who want it, lookup... It's a 3d MMORPG. It sorta reminds me of the sims, if you imagine you are a sim :P edit *woot that post got me to lvl 2 ^^*
Has anyone checked this for malaware or anything yet...?
Anyone play that? it's been getting big recently... I made a guy on it, but I sorta fail to see what I'm supposed to do xD ...Besides try and make...
oO ^*coughgravedigcough*^ but anyways, I was wondering, has anyone found anything good for ultimate bullseye? I seem to be obsessed with trying to...
Well the only thing I can think of at the moment is DEFINATELY have something that lets you refresh between sertain times, instead of one constant...
woot new AB! =D Tis ashame I only have 23 points ¬¬
I've had like 10 trophies from using scar or slowing the game down, each score's been validated by tnt... They aint got nuthin on me =P
Would it be so hard to put a little timer on ABs? Either just a clock so you know how long you;ve ABed so you don't overdo it, or something like it...
How do all you guys know the deathknight is overpowered? Is there a stats page? And nayways im sure they'l get nerfed if they really are overpowered
Occasionally on the AC I've seen people talking saying they can RS and make millions a day... and here I am with barely scratching 100k a day. I've...
...THE NEW EXPANSION PACK! I want it now dammit editable hairstyles :O Anyways, do you think this...
xD Tell them to play 4 8 15 16 23 42 :P And omg, that thing looks like a sheep got it on with a tarantular o_o
Do you go for straight and powerful shots or up and down ones?