Separate names with a comma.
heroes Has heroes been released in England yet? And if not, when? My Enlglish teacher let us watch the first episode she got from America, and...
The one with Matt Lucas I thought it was pretty good, he played a good Toad But Moley should definately have had glaces :P
film Yeah, I watched it today too It was funny, but like you said, predictable. They pretty much give everything away in the trailer :P
scar Haha, I was tring to make a SCAR script too Got to level 8, but then for some reason level 6 decided not to work x_x
Meusium I wanna see it, I'm so glad Ricky Gervais is popular in America =D I loved his stand up
Addblock No, it IS cheating to use addblock, I remember going through this with my friend xD It says somewhere in the rules that using a program...
SitCom Red Dwarf and Everybody Loves Raymond =D
I love the bit in a Family Guy episode when Peter is in a glass box, and he farts and passes out xD
Peter Boyle :o Aww, I wach that show every morning... R.I.P
High Score I have answered that question already... ... ophy+guide Although the file doesn't work, it...
I don't know what all the fuss is about tbh, I think it looks crappy xD
golf Supprisingly, that Tiger Woods golfing game is very good xD
Yes... I think there was already a topic about the WOW south park episode(s).. And I think there will be a neopets movie sometime in the future
Just as I read this topic, a family guy add came on TV =P
Grave digging is when you post on really old topics... like this one The last post before yours was over 2 weeks ago >__<
Timers Evertime I stop a timer on a game, after a few seconds, the game window shuts down D= I'm using flash player 7 and IE for games, can...
South Park LOL I'm waching it right now "When Hitler rose to power, there were some people who decided to just stop playing... You know who they...
Flash Ah, mine wasn't working because I didnt hav flash player 7... +rep btw ;)
sport soccer/english footy all the way!!
That won't get you the avatar score =P (I did that when I first started playing)