Separate names with a comma.
Something should definitely be done legally. Surely that is classed as a form of child abuse and the guy should be prosecuted?
Not so sure about Tyranu Evavu as it's pretty simple to play manually, but a Cellblock player on the other hand...
I can't understand how anyone could do such a thing.. If it goes to court, those involved should take into consideration not just what he did to that...
People have said that it could be seen as a form of self-harm. She doesn't like who she is and has attacked herself, but in a more socially...
That's kind of assuming that someone who diets does it purely to attract a boyfriend/girlfriend, but I don't think that's always the case. If we are...
Lol. I think you watched a programme that was on the television recently ;) The fact is, eating disorders existed before the media became the huge...
Ooooh, books! I love reading :) I'm reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides at the moment. I found it kind of hard to get into, but I'm enjoying it...
If you have nothing to add, please don't post. Hmm, but he was brilliant in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I love many of the comedies he...
Hm. But in fairness, that wasn't the point of it. It was meant to be ridiculous that 23 was everywhere as the point was the guy's paranoia. But it...
Lol. I'm actually tempted to! I didn't actually see a trailer for it - I'd never heard actually heard of it. Just got text message from my friend...
Perhaps the worst film I have ever seen. I went to see it on Friday night with some friends and was shocked at the awfulness of it. Was just...
Thoughts and comments about the game? Or more to the point, any thoughts on what will happen over the fight that broke out towards the end of the...
I'm not saying that they should be treated exactly the same as an adult, but sticking them in these young offenders places is ridiculous. They're...
In my opinion, a 17 year old is completely responsible for their own actions and should be charged as an adult. He killed a man and should now have...
I like a lot of Roman Polanski films, particularly Repulsion. Others.. Hmm.. Fight Club, Thumbsucker, Trainspotting, I <3 Huckabees.. The Silence of...
And what did you just post? :P. Google it ;) I have noticed quite a few messages you've posted that might be considered spam - perhaps you should...