Separate names with a comma.
Not good! that nazi is ruining out economy
its funny how XBOX360 fanboys are so in love with their system. Xbox360 games are ALways going to be on computer except for HaloWars. ive had to...
believe it or not but In the future we all will be fat. I think it would be fair, but as soon as you do that your "Singling out" one group of people...
Lets just hope the world ends.
lol yeah i agree thats insane i think its cheating
when is the releash date?
no i havent played it before but it sounds interesting
super smash bros is my favorite game
i like neopets better than warcraft.
i realy am i biig fan of nintendo and super smash . but i like halo =P!
i realy dont like the beta. nothing realy spectacular
idk i dont like the halo3 beta much does any one else>
is starcraft realy that great. the nerdy kids at my school are always talking about it and it gets realy annoying. ill give it a try if its realy...
you should get that off road game and spider man 3! also get some blue ray dvds. but be careful ps3 are happening to explode with enough force to...
is it good? ive been meaning to get that game!
all i did on sims was make lesbians who lived rich and beat up the neibors who came over. =P i also liked building a room and setting alot of...
xbox 360 all the way man better games and ps3 SUxo0rz
i think using real money for a game is stupid just like haboo hotel. just a waste.
haha ive got the beta but im to lazy to play it. im just waiting for the real game to come out.
pretty good but the fighting was so short =/ so many stupid moves in the movie. i liked when he turned EMO! ROFL