Separate names with a comma.
It amazes me how much racism there is against white people. We get in trouble for saying anything about color, but africans can say honky and cracker...
Im a senior in high school and I still try every year to trick or treat! I believe when your in school you should be able to. I wouldnt mind if a 20...
Animal abuse is terrible. Animals mostly cannot and will not defend themselves like humans can. I know it sounds messed up, but id rather see people...
Homophobes really make me mad. Its annoying that they are perfectly comfortable with a person, and then when they come out they are suddenly scared....
It will definately be a crazy day. Makes me just want to rob some places naked cause the world is ending anyways! :lol:
Both are vegetables in my opinion.
I love all the final fantasy games. I love RPGs. Also soul caliber and things of that sort.
My family just bought GH Metallica. Love it! The songs are uber long, but epic. I plan on getting aerosmith soon though, whenever metallica wears off.
Its a pokemon game where you catch, collect, and train/battle pokemon. Anyone play? I have very high level pokemon. Also, anyone play virtual pups?...
Trying to level up in anything possible. What a drag. Chop, chop, chop.
Re: Beating punchbag bob... Fast :) Thanks. This was really helpful. =]
I dont know if this is already a topic. Sorry if it is. You know what I find weird? How it is okay to patronize smokers, and its ok to say "dude,...
Re: Girls who let themselves go. Topic three: It annoys the crap out of me when me and my boyfriend breakup (weve dated on and off for 2 and a half...
I personally prefer my mom. Ive always had a bad relationship with my dad, and have kinda feared him as a kid. Not anymore, but he gets drunk every...
I dont have a problem with homosexual people at all. I dont mind them a bit. What really grinds my gears is homophobes. I mean come on people? Scared...
I completely agree with this. Bush started at a bad time as well, if someone else was in office at the time, everyone would be blaming that person....