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Not Found The requested URL /computers-and-technology-f9/need-help-finding-t31362.html&bookmark=1&hash=2ec549b8 was not found on this server....
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned's Martin Luther King Day, and we're off today from school :) One of the best speeches ever:...
I know we already have a customtable thing, but (maybe I'm stupid) I can't find how to make like a real table. The Customtable for me only gives me...
I was wondering, I've seen this before, if we could have new themes installed :) Maybe like forum design, and I know ricky asked this in the private...
I have a little situation where I can get farm cash and get support if I don't, but my sister can't. There's a difference between our Add Farm Cash...
I was wondering: is there any easy way to getting FarmCash for free in Farmville? Yeah, the surveys, but they never work :(
So, I've been also thinking about this, and Ricky just brought this up...finally gave me a chance to bring this out. My Idea Reputation Power -...
I was thinking about maybe to have decided leaders of the different groups here. Like a leader for Level V, Content Contributors, Traders, etc.? I...
Getting Banned On Neopets Well, there are several ranks of the 'cold treatment' from TNT, The Neopets Team. They are listed, colored, and explained...
Is there a way to disable a tab in tab control while others are available? I've tried basic naming the tabcontrol and tab and .Enabled = False, but...
[VISTA] Unlocking the Super Administrator Account Inside Vista, there is something called a Super Administrator Account. This account is not part...
Well, last night, I tried to get on NF, and it was down and all. Now, when I try to go anywhere on the site, it takes a lllooonnnggg time. Any...
What do you guys listen for this? I like most of Ryan Farish's stuff, but is there another artist like him? <3 his music :)
I had several suggestions, some, that I've mentioned before, but never really went anywhere. MOTM - member of the month, where a member receives an...
I think this would be pretty easy to make. Something based on except for because this is...
Ugh, lately, I've been feeling kinda depressed and down. I'll kinda break it down: Dad: Well, there is like absolutely no communication with my dad...
Eh, I just noticed that I can't bookmark a topic anymore? Zer0's evil changes ftl :(? JKJK <3 Zer0, but really XD
Trading is only available when you are Level I+...please read the big link in my signature. It will give you all the information you need to know...
Why does my siggy keep going small? I put it in a spoiler, but it keeps minimizing to unreadable size :(...
So I was wondering, if you got into Level V, is it permanent? I thought if you weren't active, you would get demoted, but I don't think that rule is...