Separate names with a comma.
it looks very cool, but is it good? i dont even know if anyone even plays it on this site, but it would be nice to have some opinions.
Procedures What is a Procedure? A procedure is a way to shorten repetitive scripts by making you not need to write every step when you...
I downloaded the http wrapper and the login example and when i try to open them with vb i get an error message does anyone have any idea on how i can...
i am interested in learning vb6 and i would like to find a good guide to help me get started. what are some good books? i am currently looking at...
To understand this tutorial, you need a basic knowledge of scar. What Is A Variable? a variable is something that changes in the program...
i have visual basic 2005 is there a big difference between this and vb 6?
is is possible to do something like this( sorry if its hard to tell what im trying to say) findcolor(x,y)=var1 if var1=12345678 or 87654321 or...
in one scar script, i think it was the frozen form filler, had a gui. how do you create one of these for a script. also, i am working on a daily doer...
I have a few questions about scar. i am new to it and am interested in making a script. first, can scar "see" the screen? if it can then how does it...
somebody should make a program that guesses the birthday of an account until it gets it right. it would need to have something like surf autonomous...
i think that someone should make a program that goes through the trading post and searches for a particular item whenever it finds that item (without...
am i the only one who HAS to have this game around here it seems like the sweetest game ever if you dont know what mass effect is check out some...
did anyone manage to get the lotr shadow of angmar beta ( i couldnt cause im not in europe) if you did, how was it?