Separate names with a comma.
Ahaha wow. :3 I knew one of your friends. XDD Coincidence much? ;3 That. XD I did that so much. Perhaps you remember me? Oh yeh, I should've pmed my...
Nup. :P It was banned for like...1 week. But I'm pretty sure it's unbanned now. I reckon they got too many complaints. I mean, how many Twilight fans...
Ahaha yeh. :3 But once you get good at it, it really is quite fun. Especially now that they have fams, which is like 'guilds' but you can verse other...
Oh my gosh. I can't wait to watch this movie ! XDD ! I'm probably going to go with my friends. I didn't go with my sister cos I had tutor that night....
Woww. Really? :3 If it was ages ago, probably from nexon.. The actual screenshot was only from like...a few months ago. XD He must still play. o.o;...
Ahaha, kind of like audition. :P -Pokes my other thread- But I like audi better... XD I play DDR irl. < 3
Ahaha I don't really. XD I'd rather have an iphone. <3 Only cos an ipad seems the same as a computer/laptop...just harder to type. XD
more popular though but I can't remember the name. ^^;; ^ Hmm, perhaps another audition? XD There's like 3 audis out there, all the same. ;3 There...
Ahah yeh, it's pretty awesome. :3 Not that well known, but it's not like it's a /small/ community. Many people play. |D And yeh, huge download...
Audition ~ Anyone ever play? ^_^ It's a fun dancing game ahaha. 8) I reckon it's pretty fun. Most definitely not /extremely/...
Hehh . Naww, I feel lame. xD -Voted for myself- 8D
I love Avatar. ;D I watched it in the cinemas, then again, on my computer and again on the television. :s - Got addicted - I have to say though, the...
Apparently; his chest is hotter than his face.