Separate names with a comma.
Is there a way to use Greasemonkey to play MSN for you? (Make Some Noise)
Oh, ok. But what is greasemonkey?
Is there a way someone could program an APer for the AC3? And if so, have a quicker way to All-Star rank?
If theres a chance of freezing for this then its pointless as there is no monetary reward for this
Thanks, after getting the main shops autobuyer, I think I will go for the igloo ABer B)
Do Zer0 Trainer v1.2 & Zer0 Trainer Autobuyer still work? Might go for them, and if so, will get Zer0 Trainer v1.2 first...
Thanks, won't do it again. I can restock, got over 10 UBs to my name, but am looking into programs to try and get pure a little quicker. Apart from...
Oh, and if anyone can AB me a King Altador Stamp, I will pay with a SoS
Hi, since I'm new to these sort of programs I have a few questions to ask: 1. In the download section, whats with the stuff priced 9999? 2. Whats the...
But how would it go about that, each neopet has its own image now: :(
No idea lol Never been able to feed. Have you seen this auction: Going for...
How did the old programs work? Did they search for species/colur combos or did it require a name first?
If someone did make this, what would it cost to download? Very interested :D
Great idea, but what would it look for? High adoption price or/and species/colour?