Separate names with a comma.
I really like martial arts... I am good at Jujitsu. hehe it is really fun and it keeps you fit
I must say that my favourite computer games are sims (original), sims 2 and Halo. They are by far the best games ever created.
Ive heard that the Wii is fantastic...i think that the Wii is a great idea cos it gets kids up and jumping about and keeping fit.
Well andeh im listening to Seize the day by Avenged Sevenfold as usual
I live in the UK but i support the QLD Cowboys. Does anyone else like the cowboys. Drop me a post if you do Thanx
i think that Night At The Museum was a fantastic film. And i was so glad to see Robin Williams in the film becuase i think that he is a genius actor....
i think that Naruto is the best. Is it me or does anyone else think that it is really addictive. Becuause i think it is. I also think Kakashi is the...
rock bands My favourite rock bands include AC/DC, Led Zepplin, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Radiohead, ZZ Top, Nirvana and many more...
I think that Naruto is te best anime series and i think that the character Kakashi in the programme is the best ninja ever
I love Rock music... i was jus wondering wat other kinds of music every1 else likes cos id be really intersted lol
Wat does every1 fink of Naruto the animae series
I love anime and manga... i fink da art is co cool...i used 2 b able to draw them but i kinda lost interest wen i started to get abit 2 busy lol but...
Wii Ive heard dat it is a wicked console...i fink it is gd cos it gets kids off dere feet and up and jumpin bout which is gd exercise lol and also...
School Wen i was in School i actually really liked it but then wen i ot bullied alot and got 2 ma GCSEs i kinda lost interest...but i much prefer...
Rock I fink my favourite music atm is Rock and Heavy Metal but i really hate Screamo music cos it makes no sense and u cant really hear wat they are...