Separate names with a comma.
.. Yeah thats a definit drowning would be you in the water unable to breath your lungs would fill up with water and you'd most likely black out...
.. I saw the trailer about a week ago i found it looked quite interesting i may go see it.
.. 28 weeks looks good i may go out to see it. It isnt scary?From the trailer i would guess otherwise or maybe i just scare easier than others lol.
.. Burning when you drown your sinking deep into the water and black out .When you burn you feel the pain of it x.x
... I want ottawa to win personally but who knows x.x
Wow overdoseing drugs she was really messed up x.x I suppose she must have been crazy depressed from her sons sudden death now their both gone.
.. I hope that helps you x.x
.. Yeah Its all created in our minds a alternate reality so i suppose in a way vampires angels and faeries do exist if we choose for it to exist.
.. Thats crazy honestly with global warming and pollution i think we shouldnt being messing our climate anymore than it already is x.x
.. Apparently you can make allot of money from it from pixels..x.x but i doubt it.
.. I do! loved that game as a kid rofl
... The trailers awesome really.I honestly cant wait till it comes out the last one ended with suspense i just want to get on and see the next one...
... Its odd though?She just dies all of a sudden though i did see some pics of her body..Which was quite disturbing.x.x
... Best way is get them online! Their always in stock but i suppose best thing oyu can do is wait it out x.x
.. Lol yeah i suppose shes gone thats it.
.. yeah they didnt exactly look that great in their video i dont think they sound well either their voices clash with each other.
ll i saw it the other day try channel 25
... rofl who knows.
.. omg first her son then her its creepy..
.. If we could use all 100 percent of our brain who knows what we could really do x.x