Separate names with a comma.
Thanks a lot :) I received my key, but now I have to find a download link XD
5487 3215 5648 Do I win :D?
LOL I know it's bad, but I always laugh at that part...I don't know why XD
Well if this is happening because of the update, try removing the update.
Well, like I said...Google is your only friend when it comes to essays. LOL Google result: ... ligion.htm
Well it's not even the add-on ability that makes Firefox so much better. If you know how to tweak Firefox's configuration, you can make it load up to...
Wow that really does sound like a stupid topic for an essay. I'm guessing you can compare and contrast the differences between the Tudor and Stewart...
I refer all who think money can buy happiness to the man who won the lottery twice. His winnings totaled over 350m dollars. He said, after having...
No offense, but it sounds like the base of your story came from a novel called "Thr3e", by Ted Dekker.
I haven't been to a concert in many was something called "The Winter Jam" where I used to live, and the only two bands who I remember...
Err..I have chrome as well, and I agree that it is better than IE, but still not as good as firefox.
I think the whole situation was a small thing turned into a massive panic. It's the same with Nostradamus "predicting" the two towers explosion. He...
The answer: Never use IE, cause its a piece of sh*t. Firefox ftw :)
I'm going to identify your argument for you, because you may or may not know what you are saying. You are talking about an age old issue called "The...
Yes. You were enlightened by biased fools who know only what the other monkey teaches him. If you want to be enlightened, get a classical education.
Beside the twenty seven New Testament documents that verify He lived, there are thirty nine sources outside of the Bible, written within 150 years of...
Either a big hoax or there's some mass subliminal messaging going on.
No need to apologize, I'm just trying to offer a realistic solution. If you bought it on eBay, you have buyer protection. If they sent the item and...
You're "Emotionally attached" to the plushie? Are you kidding me? Send it back. I you say no because of this "emotional attachment", you have more...
My favorite book would be "Saint" by Ted Dekker. Unfortunately, they never made a movie out of it, but it is part of a trilogy. My favorite...